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Believers and Nonbelievers in Discussion Phil Calderone

BNB16 The Differences Between Cult and Religion

There has been an uneasy connection between cult and religion for millennia; one person’s cult is another’s offshoot religious sect. What does cult mean to people from different belief perspectives? You’ll want to watch to the end of this episode. Luna Lindsey’s book, “Recovering Agency: Lifting the Veil of Mormon Mind Control” can be found […]

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Believers and Nonbelievers in Discussion Phil Calderone

BNB15 Recognizing Authoritarians

In this atypical BNB discussion we examine not politics but authoritarian personalities and our ability to recognize them, a well-researched subject. But does this knowledge make us less susceptible to manipulation? References: The Authoritarians (book full text, free): Predisposed: Please Like and Subscribe on our YouTube channel – Believe In Reality.

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Moral Evolution

Compassion is the basis of morality. -Arthur Schopenhauer A common claim of the religious is that objective morality cannot exist without a deity. How can we know right from wrong without a lawgiving creator who has imprinted the laws of proper behavior upon our souls? This is an insulting assertion that, though we have complex

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